good guy雜誌

GOOD Magazine誰說拍婚紗照就必須白紗西服全套武裝,現在的婚紗照太過保守和傳統,從化妝、佈景、造型都是千篇一律,實在沒有情調可言… 因此今天竟然天發現一對男女在河裡…新娘穿著比基尼,新郎穿著泳褲….在舉行結婚典禮…說實話,年輕人的想法可以理解這種形式的結婚方式Project Literacy Building partnerships for a more literate future. Data for GOOD Harnessing the power of information. The GOOD Wellness Project How our choices help our bodies thrive. The 2014 GOOD City Index GOOD's annual breakdown of the most inspiring ...


Marry Him! - The Atlantic如果電影也會變老                  The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough ... My advice is this: Settle! That’s right. Don’t worry about passion or intense connection. Don’t nix a guy based on his annoying habit of yelling “Bravo!” in movie theaters....


Teaching Good Sex - The New York Times老外好厲害....   Introducing pleasure to the peril of sex education. ... Across the country, the approach ranges from abstinence until marriage is the only acceptable choice, contraceptives don’t work and premarital sex is physically and emotionally harmful, to abstinence...


The Purpose of Spectacular Wealth, According to a Spectacularly Wealthy Guy女廁門口竟拍到如此瘋狂一幕Edward Conard, once a partner of Mitt Romney at Bain Capital, argues that more income inequality is good for the economy. ... The idea that society benefits when investors compete successfully is pretty widely accepted. Dean Baker, a prominent progressive...


Connection Magazine, PROPHECY in the NEWS...只是你喝醉了而已        Connection Magazine: find stories of Christian actors, athletes, politicians, singers, musicians and notable people who follow Jesus. Bible Studies on God's name, healing, predestination, prayer, worship, marying, Holy Bible, hell, rapture, tithing, denom...
