Lee 125周年紀念 限量版牛仔經典重塑
ELVIS PRESLEY LYRICS - Good Luck Charm - AZLyrics - Song Lyrics from A to Z 2014年是經典牛仔品牌 Lee的125周年紀念。多年來, Lee本著好奇精神, 以精湛工藝打造多款經典的牛仔服裝, 當中深受世界各地牛仔達人追捧的Lee 101系列更加是品牌的代表作。本季Lee 將此系列重新打造, 並於本季推出「Lee 101+」 125周年限量版牛仔褲及牛仔外套, 全球限量1Lyrics to "Good Luck Charm" song by ELVIS PRESLEY: Don't want a four leaf clover Don't want an old horse shoe Want your kiss 'cause I just can't miss W......