第三屆「 NEXT 寫真偶像女王」參賽候補性感開戰!
GoodReader - Official Site 第三屆「 NEXT 寫真偶像女王」公佈候選名單!此次八位候選者都是寫真偶像界的次世代新星,一個個都有張可愛臉蛋加上姣好的身材,以及正值青春的年紀,實在很難讓人抉擇第一名寶座究竟要給誰呢! 參賽的寫真偶像有 Akira 、天木じゅん、金子栞、小松雛、澤田夏生、久松香織、百川晴香以及 YUUMI 。比GoodReader® is the super-robust PDF reader for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Its iPad version was the #1 selling non-Apple app for iPad in 2010 in USA! Mashable describes it as "a Swiss Army knife of awesome!" Reviews worldwide hail it as "essential," "the...