good travel writing

Travel Writing 101: What is Good Travel Writing? | Frommers.com拍照時還在嘟嘟嘴就太弱了!日本美女在照相的時候流行擺出鴨子嘴唇,所謂的鴨子嘴唇,日語叫做ahiru-guchi,是拍照者嘴唇微翹的可愛樣子。這種嘴唇微翹的狀態,恰好很像鴨子。 據說目前這種照相姿勢在網路上很火,也叫Chun-gao 。有人在日本電視節目上講解了這種照相姿勢的好處,說是如果比出這種嘴型There are as many kinds of writing as there are authors, but what type is best for you? As a writer, you ......


What Makes Good Travel Writing? - Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast看完這些~只覺得千萬不能交錯朋友啊~~QQ   這樣舒服嗎?!!    想不到室友竟然有這種癖好啊~~~   這還算輕微的~       這人力氣是有多大啊?!     人呢?!     &The venue was the Book Passage Travel Writing Conference in Corte Madera, California. Book Passage Althou ......


The Cheers Travel Blog - great travel destination, good travel writing 今天與別人說起了拍女朋友的事情,好多女生都覺得有一個攝影師男朋友是多麼幸福的事,可是你們有沒有想過一個女攝影師要怎麼辦?!一個女攝影師遇到一個這樣的男朋友要怎麼辦???我本以為長的也不醜,拍出來應該不會那麼慘!但是!!!!!先看一下本人平時長什麼樣子,自拍照有這樣的,清新自然啊~  &nPeople from The Cheers magazine like to travel a lot and here you can read about their trips, their trave ......


Travel Writing, Travel Journalism, and Travel Blogging (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?)還記得小時候拍的各種照片嗎?在那一堆或淘氣或賣萌的照片裡,總有那麼幾張,讓長大後的自己看了哭笑不得。 近日,網友們掀起了新的潮流,大家紛紛上傳自己小時候拍下的各種“雷照”,這些照片或打扮雷人,或濃妝豔抹,讓圍觀者直呼“囧爆了”。 儘管以前小時候還沒有&Travel writing, travel journalism, and travel blogging. How do they differ? Are they really the good, th ......
