VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 七代小改款89.8萬起!
Shockwave Flash Crash - Solution for Chrome, IE & FirefoxVolkswagen的Golf車系一直都是品牌的銷售主力,在全球創造出3300萬輛的佳績,自去年開始進行了小改款更新,針對外觀、內裝與動力部分去做調整,原廠導入1.0 TSI引擎取代先前的1.2 TSI引擎,作為入門款動力,另外新增Golf 280 TSI Comfortline與Golf VariStep-by-Step Guide for Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista & XP It is important that you carry out these steps in order to fix the problem effectively: Disable Google Integrated Shockwave Flash Player If you are a Google Chrome user and experiencing crashing it c...