Google Guitar還真有趣~~好奇怪呀XDD Google Guitar Doodle for Les Paul's 96th Birthday! ... Melodies you can play with Google Doodle Guitar Twinkle: QQTTYYT RREEWWQ TTRREEW TTRREEW QQTTYYT RREEWWQ Happy Bithday: 1-1-2-1-4-3- -1-1-2-1-5-4- -1-1-8-6-4-3-2- -8-8-7-5-6-5...
全文閱讀99 男生看A片要是遇到這種事情...會難過的想要跳樓
How To Play Guitar On The Les Paul Google Doodle (LESSONS)XDDDD Google introduced arguably its greatest doodle ever this morning, an interactive electric guitar to honor the 96th birthday of legendary musician and guitar innovator Les Paul. The doodle is definitely a whole lot of fun, but can also be incredibly addict...
全文閱讀80 的人對於朋友突然拿槍指著自己都會有這樣的反應
Google Doodle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia人真是種奇怪的生物呀... Google displayed an interactive electric guitar doodle starting June 9, 2011, to celebrate the 96th birthday of Les Paul. Apart from being able to hover the cursor over the doodle to strum the strings just like one of Les Paul's Gibson guitars, there was ...
全文閱讀原來左撇子比右撇子優秀 鐵證在此
Lady Gaga Paparazzi on Google doodle Google Guitar for Les Paul's Birthday 2011 - YouTube我也想當左撇子了... Here's a quick screen capture of me playing Lady Gaga's Paparazzi on the Google Guitar put up in honour of Les Paul's birthday. I needed a little help from Gaga herself to complete the chorus... Thanks to Google for their entertaining homepage today and t...