Google Fiber coming to a city near you - Feb. 19, 2014 *插畫作者:amandaoleander 成熟的愛情 沒有試探,沒有猜忌,沒有矯情 沒有那麼多拐彎抹角 在對方面前能夠徹底放鬆,敞開心扉 願意暴露自己的脆弱 願意暴露自己的缺點而不必擔心對方的離開 沒有轟轟烈烈,虐戀情深 只有平平淡淡的幸福 Google said it has nine major metropolitan areas in mind as candidates for the next phase of its Google Fiber launch. Google Fiber, the company's young and super fast Internet network, is spreading to several major cities across the United States. In a bl...