'Let It Snow' Google Easter Egg Will Frost Up Your Search Results (PHOTOS, VIDEO)從古以來人類就對無邊無際的宇宙充滿興趣,希望能多了解一點那未知的領域,而能與神秘宇宙做第一線接觸的人,就非太空人莫屬了~ 當阿姆斯壯踏上月球時,全人類都高興歡呼,因為這代表了人類科技的一大進步,更是歷史上重要的里程碑,因此許多人也夢想能成為太空人,到外太空去看那迷人的景色! 但我們都知道要成為太空人When searchers type "let it snow" into Google, their wish is the search engine's command. Google's newest Easter Egg drops a flurry of snowflakes over the results page and quickly frosts up the screen when you query "let it snow." You can wipe away the fr...