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Google有一個成年男子來到一家旅館,他看到車庫裏有很多漂亮的車,於是就問老闆,怎麼有這麼多漂亮的車啊,老闆告訴他,我有一個五歲的兒子,他做三件事,如果你能跟著做到,這裏的車隨你挑一輛開走,如果不能,就把你的車留下。但很多人做不到,所以...他想,五歲的小孩能做到的,還能做不到嘛,於是就試一試。老闆就帶他到一Official website for Google Canada. offered in: français. Come here often? Make Google your homepage....


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One account. All of Google. - Redirecting...醫生說:看過你的測試後,有好消息、也有壞消息!你想先聽哪一個? 病人:先說壞消息吧! 醫生:我發現你有潛在的同性戀傾向!而且難以根治! 病人:我的天啊!那好消息呢? 醫生:說心裡話,我覺得你還蠻可愛的哦~。Create and share your work online and access your documents from anywhere. Manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys, and more all in one easy to use productivity suite. It's easy to get started - just upload a file from your desktop....


Google News一個週末,我到一個博物館去參觀,一時人有三急,便跑到男廁所裡。到了那裡,我砰地一聲把小間鎖上,解開褲子,就準備方便。突然,隔壁的小間裡,傳來了一個男人的問話:「喂,夥計,你好嗎?」我通常是不在男廁所和其他男人搭話的,但是那天不知道怎的,就隨口答道,「還好。」 正當我集中精力、全神貫注地要做我應當作的Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News. ... SAN FRANCISCO - One of these years, extra points are going to become 50-yard kicks, but for 2015, the NFL took the first step toward trying to put the t...


GoogleFrank 和 Fred 兩人同一天收到召集令,而且兩人都不想去服兵役。但Frank 曾聽人說軍中不收沒有牙齒的人,因此他們兩人都把所有牙齒給拔掉了。 在身體檢查那天,他們兩人排在同一排隊伍,可是有一個大塊頭,滿身毛而且臭味難當的卡車司機插在他們中間。 當Frank 排到隊伍的前頭時,他對檢查的班長Advertising Programmes Business Solutions +Google About Google
