Official Google Blog: Google Maps and Waze, outsmarting traffic together 有人說世界上最善良的是人,最殘忍的是人,最不可理喻的也是人……總之,對於人的看法,眾說紛紜。但有一點大家是共識的,人是一種非常複雜的動物,你認可這句話嗎?你我固然不是心理學大師,但把握一些技巧,同樣可以把別人心事看得七七八八。 1、邊說邊笑:這種人與你交談時We’ve all been there: stuck in traffic, frustrated that you chose the wrong route on the drive to work. But imagine if you could see real-time traffic updates from friends and fellow travelers ahead of you, calling out “fender bender...totally stuck in le...