The Shorts of Summer 褲‧夏來襲!
Android 炎熱的夏天已經到來,在這高溫動不動就35、36度的季節裡,別再傻傻的穿長褲出門了,以免耍帥不成反燒襠…為了讓各位讀者們能夠在夏天依舊是COOL的有型,編輯部特別為大家挑選夏天必穿短褲,並分為四大類型:丹寧、運動、圖騰、正褲做教穿示範,同時嚴選各類型短褲單品,提供大家在夏天一個最「褲」Customized by you, for you Put the stuff you care most about right on your home screen: the latest news, weather, or a stream of your recent ... L Developer Preview The next generation of Android is built for the multi-screen world, giving you the ......