史上最奢華「3億台幣旅遊團」太炫富!飛機上還有「時裝秀 撲克錦標賽」,上流社會的生活真的無法想像..
Google Lat Long: Go back in time with Street View 本文獲得微信公眾號帶你遊遍美國 weloveusa 授權,原始標題:1400萬美元玩20天,這個史上最壕旅行團,連飲料攪拌棒都要100萬美元... 存錢吃土才能出國旅遊幾天,這可能是這個社會上大多數人的寫照了... 然而,今Now with Street View, you can see a landmark's growth from the ground up, like the Freedom Tower in New York City or the 2014 World Cup Stadium in Fortaleza, Brazil. This new feature can also serve as a digital timeline of recent history, like the reconst...