BMW X7 間諜照曝光
Google Street View - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 近日SUV市場可謂相當火熱,AUDI、LAND Rover、Benz均分別推出Q7、Range Rover、GLS進攻豪華大型SUV市場,BMW更表示將於今年初將於2018年推出更高階的X系列-X7,近日這台車的偽裝照片也被捕獲。 這台車的體積大,而且比現行的X系列外觀更方正,可想見Google Street View is a technology featured in Google Maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world. It was launched in 2007 in several cities in the United States, and has since expanded to include cit...