70萬級距中型房車誰最強?(上)Ford Focus 4D vs. Hyundai Elantra
Google Translate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia福特六和在推出了增列Co-Pilot 360駕駛輔助科技的Focus 4D EcoBoost®182佛心版之後,即對外喊出了此車型是國內「70萬級距最強中型房車」,這口氣倒真不小!不過這Focus 4D佛心版究竟有何底氣能讓福特六和大聲講出這些話?所以我們找來同樣在70萬級距內的另兩部較新世代的對手Google Translate offers a web interface, mobile interfaces for Android and iOS, and an API that developers can use to build browser extensions, applications and other software. For some languages, Google Translate can pronounce translated text, highlight ...