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Download Google Earth 7.0.3 (Free) for iPad 整個世界, 眼裡只有你。 更換電池 Changing Batteries 一個尋常的午後, 奶奶正坐在桌前悠閒地喝茶, 突然一陣「梆梆梆」的敲門聲, 打破了小屋長久以來的寧靜。 奶奶緩慢地挪動身體前去開門, 但或許快遞員早已等不Download Google Earth 7.0.3 for iPad, Get a world map app on your iPad with Google Earth. ... Description More images Get a world map app on your iPad with Google Earth. Google Earth is a free app for the iPad by Google, Inc. which lets you explore your c...