goo.gl - Redirecting【0315 Hit Fm官方新聞稿】 發行最新EP《此刻正好》的Cindy袁詠琳,昨(14日)白色情人節來到Hit Fm聯播網探班DJ阿娟,許久未見面的兩人,看到彼此就深情擁抱,阿娟還很感動的說:「謝謝你在這個需要戴墨鏡的夜晚來陪我度過!」袁詠琳也說,謝謝Hit Fm邀請,不然她也是工作完一個人回家Paste your long URL here: Shorten URL All goo.gl URLs and click analytics are public and can be accessed by anyone. Shorten, share and track your shortened URLs. goo.gl allows you to track, in real-time, the clicks and referrers on any shortened URL - a p...