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Google Apps for Android某天小陳上班時接到一通電話,小陳講兩句就匆匆忙忙的跑去請假。 小陳:經理!我要請假!我老婆要生孩子。 經理:好的!你快去! 於是小陳二話不說,飛也似的就走了。 二十分鐘後,小陳有點衣衫不整的回來了。 經理看到他就問:怎麼這麼快就回來了?生男的還是女的? 小陳:要十個月後才知道…&helFeatured Apps Google Search Quickly & easily find what you need on the web & your phone or tablet. Download App Chrome for Android Browse fast & bring your personalized Chrome with you. Download App Google ......


Android Apps on Google Play電視上出現接吻鏡頭,爸爸讓兒子去倒杯水。 不久,電視上又有接吻的場面,爸爸讓兒子再去倒杯水, 兒子問:爸爸,是不是一看到有人親嘴你就口渴啊?Shop Google Play on the web. Purchase and enjoy instantly on your Android phone or tablet without the hassle of syncing. ... Break through language barriers with Google Translate. • Translate between 80 languages • Converse naturally and let Google transl...


google-android - 購物搜尋結果某教授在田間授課:「科學研究要不怕髒。。。」然後他蹲下來,用手指戳了一下地上的牛糞,然後把手指放到嘴裡舔淨。 一同學忙說:「我不怕髒。。。」然後也用手指戳了一下地上的牛糞放到嘴裡舔淨。 教授:「另外還要善於觀察,比如說,我剛才是用中指戳糞,但舔的是食指。。。」 ...


Android (operating system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia      一 家美容院掛一塊廣告牌:“請不要同剛剛走出本院的女人調情,她或許就是你的外祖母。     Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel with a user interface based on direct manipulation, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. The operating system uses touch inputs that loosely co...
