Hammer Deluxe mod for Half-Life 2 - Mod DB很多男生應該會把保時捷911當成夢想車種吧!其實只要有心人人都可以有自己的保時捷唷!運用巧手發揮最大工藝吧! 目前看起來是用腳踏驅動的... ↓首先畫出設計圖和基本的驅動模式.... ↓保時捷的底盤當然要很扎實XD ↓激烈操駕測試 ↓接下來就是要來建車模了..Hammer Deluxe is an open source half-life 2 modification of the episode 2 engine of which has been modified especially for half-life 2 map makers in order to make much more advanced maps, puzzles and randomized events to make levels much easier to achieve...