Getting Started with the GoPro App - GoPro Official Website - Capture + share your world生活在都市的男女渴望著愛情的同時,又害怕為愛受傷,心中總有太多的顧慮和疑惑—怕等待、怕落空、怕傷害...... 我們還能夠像心思純澈的孩子那樣,勇敢地愛與成長嗎?「人生是一個歷程,有苦有甜,有好有壞,很多時候我們就是依靠某種幸福感十足的信念或者回憶撐過了難熬的時刻。所以,我們都該勇敢一點Setting up the GoPro App with the Hero 3 camera and the HD HERO2 camera + WiFi BacPac. ... Follow these steps to start using the GoPro App with your HERO3+, HERO3, or your HD HERO2 camera + Wi-Fi BacPac for the first time: Get the latest software...