GoPro Official Website: The World's Most Versatile Camera 逛過藥妝店的朋友,應該都知道,當我們站在開架式化妝品陳列架前,就會有專櫃小姐靠近你身邊,和你詢問要找什麼用品,在你思考這短短的幾秒鐘裡,專櫃小姐快速的就把你臉上肌膚的狀況,看的一清二楚,接著就慢慢把你往他的櫃上走去,憑著他的三寸不爛之舌,對著你開始「疲勞轟炸」,是怎樣的感受? &nbsGet to know Team GoPro and other elite athletes as they go for glory on the world's largest stage. Get to know Team GoPro and other elite athletes as they go for glory on the world's largest stage. How will you GoPro? Join us in congratulating the Grand P...