Al Gore gets fooled at a press conference down under calling for end of the carbon tax | Watts Up Wi 這個女的却妝後…讓我覺得再也無法相信人類了… via_http://lelombrik.net/41627 看不過癮嗎?這些文章數十萬人都在看!! 90%的人都會犯!!最髒的「洗頭」習慣!!這樣洗沒有乾淨的一天~ 震驚!!「范冰冰」為了美竟然How A Coal Baron Fooled Al Gore And The Greens Andrew Bolt Herald Sun, 26 June 2014 What the hell was Al Gore doing at Palmer’s press conference? Why did the great global warming guru help to sanctify a press conference called by a coal baron to ......