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Burton AK 3L Hover Gore-Tex Jacket - Men's | Backcountry.comTEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 Balenciaga老爹鞋風靡全球,復古前衛的大膽設計,翻轉醜時尚、醜球鞋的趨勢不說,佔有時下年輕人最愛品牌的頭銜,這股醜鞋風潮,更在網友們的創意下發揮的淋漓盡致。近日IG上一雙用香蕉皮做成的「Bananaciaga」瘋傳,維妙維肖的仿真度笑料百出,FREE Shipping on qualified orders. When you're deep in the backcountry far from any chairlifts, resorts, hot tubs, or help, you can't afford to have your outerwear fail you. The Burton Men's AK 3L Hover Gore-Tex Jacket is built with proven materials......