NMEA data - GPS Receiver Information, Software, and Hardware Reviews of Ga ❤ 真正愛一個應該關注心靈而非外貌 結婚之前我有點胖,但他說喜歡我有點肉肉的,很可愛。後來交往漸深,他也常說喜歡我的幽默、愛我的思想和靈魂。我就這樣嫁給他,覺得找到了靈魂伴侶,從皮以後不打扮,不化妝,不穿迷你超短裙和黑色絲襪,而我對零食也不再忌嘴,每天最開心的事情就是研究做菜的學問。可就在我以Explanation of NMEA sentences as used in GPS receivers. ... The NMEA 2.3 output from the Garmin Legend, Vista, and perhaps some others include the BWC, VTG, and XTE sentences. The Trimble Scoutmaster outputs: APA, APB, BWC, GGA, GLL, GSA ......