.357 mag 158 gr. vs 125 gr. - Ruger Forum某某國家的足球隊在馬克盃得到冠軍之後 有一次到別國比賽仍然表現絕佳 到休息時間全隊都去逛街 走著走看見10樓有一個小嬰兒掉下來 該隊的守門員撲過去抱住了小嬰兒 在現場的人都拍手叫好 想不到守門員習慣性的拍拍小嬰兒 然後 .357 mag 158 gr. vs 125 gr. This is a discussion on .357 mag 158 gr. vs 125 gr. within the Ammo Dump forums, part of the Firearm Forum category; I know that there are alot of versus threads out there but I would like to get some better information. I have...