grado sr225 impedance

Grado Labs - SR225 Reviews   大哥,花椰菜不是花啊!你拿出點誠意可以嗎?The Prestige Series Note: reviews may refer to earlier models SR225i Headphones Grado SR225i ReviewContributing writer, Listener MagazineBy Lang Phipp... ... SR225i Headphones Grado SR225i Review Contributing writer, Listener Magazine By Lang Phipps ......


Grado SR 225e | - Headphones: Full-Size, In-Ear, Wireless, Noise Cancelling, Blu   這位大哥和草泥馬,活生生是一個模子印出來的!Fabulous rock-n'-roll headphones the Grado SR 225e. Eye-blinking impact with clear punchy bass and detailed highs ... Is Our Price Too High? We've found that people really like to buy from HeadRoom and, and we'd love to make you a believer, ...


Grado SR225e Headphones - Earphone Solutions | Best Earphones for iPhone by Shure, Westo 如果你發現左邊的女士,你就會知道一口潔白的牙齒對黑人來說有多重要!The SR225 is a sweet spot in the grado line-up for an audiophile. It has that classic grado sound and gritty guitar sound and that arena rock presentation for a nice price where congestion isn't an issue in my opinion. The soundstage is intimate much like...


Grado SR 225e Headphones-Audio Advisor 自拍也難不倒你!看看人家這位大媽!不用腳架照樣能拍出好風景!Experience True Intimacy The new e-Series version of the Grado SR225 Prestige Series headphone continues the evolution from the original model SR225 through the award-winning SR225i to the latest enhanced version, the SR225e. It just keeps getting better ...


Grado SR225i Headphones - - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles   因為老師們上課的姿勢真的是醜態百出啊!If you want an introduction to the Grado sound look no further to the SR225i. The special Grado sound is liked by many but also hated by many as well. The best way for me to explain the Grado sound that it has characteristics of Warm sound with a nice tou...
