Review: Grado SR-225 vs Grado SR-80 - Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles 根據mogaznews的報導,這就是近日在澳洲一夜爆紅的「棉花糖女孩」,原來記者是在做澳洲賽馬節的報導,但沒想到這則新聞一出來,網友完全放錯重點! 因為這讓人戀愛感十足的「棉花糖女孩」另大批網友根本不想管賽馬節到底有什麼精彩的活動,只想知道她究竟是何方神聖啊!!! 當然網友也高效率的http://s533.photobucket.com/albums/ee334/baka1969/ Hi fellow headphone freaks! I just received my Grado SR-225s that I purchased from another Head-Fi member in the... ... The more I listen with the 225s the more I love them. They're addictive. I can't wai...