Grado SR225i Headphones - Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles在越南,尤其是北部那些傳統婚姻觀念仍然根深蒂固的地區, 女性未婚先孕往往被看作是「奇恥大辱」, 不少女性因為害怕被人知道,令家人「蒙羞」,不得不選擇終止妊娠... 根據外媒的報道,越南每年記錄在案的墮胎案例已經超過30萬, 其中20%-30%的墮胎女性屬未婚狀態... 那My favorite in the Prestige series, the Grado SR225i is a superb sub$200 headphone. The SR225i is much more controlled than the SR125i and a bit smoother than the SR325i. Retaining the excellent Grado midrange and intensity, the SR225i also adds a bit mor...