Gran Turismo (v2) (Europe) ISO < PSP ISOs | Emuparadise小明很喜歡看恐怖的書。有一天,小明到書店跟店員說:我要買你們這裡最恐怖的書! 店員說:「1000元!」小明說:「800元好不好?」店員就賣給他了。 可是店員叫他一定不要看最後一面,因為非常非常非常恐怖! 小明回家後,一直看一直看,等到看到最後一頁時,他終於忍不住翻了最後一面…This is the first entry in the Gran Turismo racing series to be released on a handheld system. ... If you haven't noticed yet, we have a retro game of the day feature (top-right of the screen) wherein we feature a new retro title every single day!...