Grand Theft Auto IV - Pterodactyl Dinosaur (MOD) HD - YouTube 圖片來源(左圖為示意圖非文中所指) 原PO跟自己女友因為工作關係不能黏在一起 於是在某次女友逛網拍中向原PO詢問了意見 結果!!! 圖片來自批踢踢實業坊下同 女友一開始還好心地(??)詢問原PO意見 一秒爆氣!!! COMBO!!! 小編OS:原PO你心臟也真是蠻大顆的(眼睛也頗白的)i demand the next gmod to run on the new rage engine IMAGINE another fun unique mod by metalwarz i love these kinds of mods :) i was unsure wheather i should have put some music on this video or not but i thought the video gave a peaceful atmosphere witho...