順風婦產科童星「美月」大解放 金成恩竟然拍成人電影引熱議
Facebook Graph API - Create a photo album & upload a photo into it 還記得16年前在韓劇《順風婦產科》中飾演「美月」的金成恩嗎?她在劇中無厘頭又亮眼的表現,讓人印象深刻,也成功竄紅,成為當時超紅的童星。而螢光幕前活潑調皮的金成恩,曾傳出小時候常被同學欺負,因此得了憂鬱症。長大後遠赴澳洲求學的她,又遭爆料是夜店玩咖,負面消息不斷。 《順風婦產科》裡的搞An example using the new Facebook Graph API that shows how to create a photo album and insert photos into it. The example uses PHP. ... Luke Dyson January 22nd, 2011 at 4:50 pm You can replace: //Get album ID of the album you’ve just created – there ......