Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Green Day song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 大家應該都有注意到吧?這一、兩年已經不再是氣質長髮當道了,反而是俏麗短髮成為了主流,許多日韓女星也都相繼剪了短髮,像是日本知名演員崛北真希、人氣模特兒特林德爾玲奈、韓國女星朴敏英、以及出演韓劇《皮諾丘》女配角的李侑菲等等,她們都是從原本飄逸浪漫的長髮轉變成帶有精靈氣息的短髮,不過,短髮的變化也有很"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is a song by American punk rock band Green Day. It was released as the second single from their seventh album, American Idiot. The song was written by Green Day, with lyrics by lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong. "Boulevard of B...