
Rotundus話說, 當聽到「性產業」的時候, 可能第一個想到的畫面是昏暗的路邊,衣着暴露的男妓女妓,臉上盪着媚笑。   但是就像其他產業也在風馳變換一樣,性產業也在改變。 不止從何時起,在英國的威爾士,有一種微妙的性產業風氣風靡起來, ——名叫「性租金」。   性租金What is GroundBot ? • GroundBot is a robotic mobile platform that hosts cameras and sensors. • This robust, lightweight, sealed sphere boasts impressive off-road performance. It also moves virtually silently. • GroundBot can be remote controlled by ......


Ground Bot | Best of What's New 2008 | Popular Science | New Technology, Science News, The Future No 瑪麗蓮·夢露是無數人的夢中女神…… 女人希望成為她, 男人希望把她娶回家。   但我們今天要講的這哥們兒,腦迴路跟普通人有點不一樣—— 他超級迷戀夢露,所以一心想把自己整容成她的模樣…… &nbThe GroundBot is a spherical sentry designed to roll up to 6 mph through just about anything—mud, sand, snow and even water. Two gyroscopically steadied wide-angle cameras and a suite of sensors give remote operators a real-time, 360-degree view of the .....


Welcome to permaflow company記者李鴻典/台北報導 為何一直單身,或許是你的話題太「白目」了?有交友APP業者公布「10大交友白目話題」,結果發現女生最討厭被初次見面的異性問到「交過幾個男朋友?」,而男生則一致認為被問到「女友和媽媽落水時先救誰」這種老掉牙的問題,很難不翻白眼。 ▲交友白目話題。(圖/SweetRing提供) 網PF WaterWorks is focused on providing Innovative, Eco-Friendly and Easy to use Drain Management Products. ... X X X X X X X X Media Room Press Releases Image Gallery Video Gallery Events About Us About Us Association Contact Us Home Products...


Big bucks can make your home a high-tech fortress - MSN Real Estate 話說, 當聽到「性產業」的時候, 可能第一個想到的畫面是昏暗的路邊,衣着暴露的男妓女妓,臉上盪着媚笑。   但是就像其他產業也在風馳變換一樣,性產業也在改變。 不止從何時起,在英國的威爾士,有一種微妙的性產業風氣風靡起來, ——名叫「性租金」。   性租Click to enlarge picture Rotundus Groundbot is a rugged, weatherproof ball that rolls silently around your property shooting video. It costs roughly $120,000 and holds two day/night surveillance cameras, gyroscopes, sensors and wide-angle lenses. © Netwat...


Wattgate 381 "Audio Grade" Socket Is For Suckers Only 2018年,比弗利希爾頓酒店, 一部名叫《三塊廣告牌》的電影斬獲多項金球獎大獎…… 最佳劇情片,劇情最佳女主,最佳男配,最佳編劇…… 人們熱情的鼓掌歡呼,演員們激動的擁抱致辭,洛杉磯的比弗利山莊燈火輝煌。   而在洛杉磯東部的10號The Wattgate "Audio Grade" wall socket costs a mere $147, but the crisp, unmatchable sounds it will create in your home are positively priceless. It's all bullshit, of course. Like Monster Cable and that $500 Denon Ethernet cable, there's more snake oil f...


Start Your Rudimentary 3D Home Printing Business for Less Than $500彙整整理/春霓、摘自/《我,好想離婚!!:結婚25年,我對他的忍耐已經隨時瀕於爆炸…》(藤原和愛著/新自然主義)、圖片來源/新自然主義、shutterstock   【延伸閱讀】 蓋一個不會吵架的家 不斷發生爭吵!牛牽到北京還是牛?   【更多精彩內容請上《退休好幸One day in the distant theoretical future, we will want for nothing, as the Great American Dream will forgo a chicken in every pot for a 3D printer in every home. In the present day, however, things are a bit more mundane, with 3D printing still very much...
