Hilary Rhoda來自美國馬里蘭州女孩
Moon Represents My Heart by Teresa Teng - English Lyrics and Meaning Hilary Rhoda來自美國馬里蘭州女孩 在模特兒界中歐洲ˋ俄羅斯的女模一向是主流 相較之下美國這個大熔爐 因為人種的混血 跟歐洲人的臉蛋相比,歐洲人顯得較為精緻 所以從美國出來的supermodel也少 但HilaryLyrics and meaning to the song The Moon Represents My Heart or Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin( by Teresa Teng). Lyrics also in hanyu pinyin and Chinese. ... This is awesome! I’ve been trying to look for the lyrics for so long n it’s been my all time fav son...