大S三姐妹素顏合照!!大姊罕見露臉!! 網友點評:小S最美
Digilearn12月30日晚,小S在微博曬出一組與家人的合照,紀念即將逝去的2014年。小S留言稱:「2014年要結束了,願我愛的人都平安,願我能健康勇敢,願一切都否極泰來」。整組照片中,大小S素顏出鏡,但看起來皮膚氣色俱佳。據瞭解,小S與大S之上還有一位大姐徐熙嫻,這位大姐生性低調。小S此次曬照,大姐徐熙嫻也罕What's In A Name? Linda is learning the alphabet with a little help from Barney, her friends, and her big brother Chip. Chip sets out to help Linda learn the letters in her name while Barney and the kids discover other fun ways to learn the letters of the...