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Lexus GS300h (2014) review by CAR Magazine前男友總在在半夜兩三點、喝醉後,傳一些莫名其妙的訊息嗎? 明明都已經分手一段時間、明明當初是他導致分手,卻突然甜言蜜語的開始想起你了?女孩們的OS:「老娘已經醒了,誰還會被你騙,這招還是對付新的女生吧!」下面 10 則你可能收到過的前男友荒謬訊息,和各種幽默、厲害、簡潔的神回覆,讓你除了已Lexus GS: Does a petrol-hybrid saloon make more sense than a diesel? ... The Lexus GS300h is a lot of car for the money. Its starting price of £32k makes it cheaper than the BMW 5-series, Audi A6 and the Mercedes E-class, but it will have the same mechani...


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Audi A6 Ultra | Auto Express爸給我買的蘋果手機,打開一看我...三星跟蘋果終於合體了… 我卻流下淚來非常用心的山塞...但好像太瘦了點?百事,你爺爺萬事可樂來了... 山寨無敵,一臺七系統切換,真正的神之利器來了!菊花味口渴可樂,你是認真的嗎?...新買了臺蘋果筆電,你幫我看看是不是哪裡不對?...可口可樂的兒子The Audi A6 Ultra is one of the top company car choices on the executive car market ... The steering could do with a little more feel and the A6 lacks the extra handling sparkle of the rear-wheel-drive BMW 5 Series, but it’s a well sorted front-wheel-driv...


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