Gran Turismo (PSP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 炎炎夏日將至(最近也開始有點熱了~),除了便利商店、冰淇淋連鎖店之外,還有其他冰涼的選擇嗎?如果有機會走訪加州奧克蘭市區,說不定就有機會一嚐 Smitten Ice Cream 宛如理化課實驗一般(應該是貴族學校的理化課吧?) 的冰淇淋體驗。 Gizmodo 日前走訪了大約半年前正式上路的 SmiGran Turismo (グランツーリスモ, Guran Tsūrisumo?, also previously known as Gran Turismo 4 Mobile,[3] Gran Turismo Mobile,[4] Gran Turismo 5 Portable and Gran Turismo Portable) is a 2009 PlayStation Portable (PSP) game developed by Polyphony Digital. The game was ...