PS3 GT5 Racing Modification Cars - YouTube 來源:環球旅行 ID:Viphuanqiu 什麼是愛情最好的樣子? 不是你天生自帶光芒 而是ta用愛的濾鏡讓你閃閃發光 不是你們是滿分的彼此 而是,因為對方成為了更好的人 男主角叫石頭,是一個愛拍照的小伙,女主角叫元子Hi, these are the RM cars (racing Modification) you buy the original car at the dealership, then go to the GT garage, buy/apply the Racing Modification kit And done. warnig!!: The kit(s) are expensive, and the PP increases. Also you sometimes can't use th...