How to Mod GTA Sa In IMG Tool 2.0 tutorial - Mod DB 話說, 每當凱特王妃一出場, 都能以自己獨到的時尚品味和不俗風格,博得眾人眼球。 各種溫婉簡約又氣場十足, 這也讓凱特成為了很多人心中的王室時尚標杆,收穫一批迷妹。 這位叫Valerie Nijssen的荷蘭妹紙,就是凱特的迷妹之一 不過和其他迷妹比起來,In this tutorial you will learn how to place mods in your "gta3.img" file in your GTA San Andreas models folder. ... You are not logged in, your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social acco...