SA-MP San Andreas Multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto (GTA SA) 說到《進擊的巨人》,恐怕任何一位動漫迷都不會感到陌生吧?這部由漫畫家諫山創推出的作品,自從去年4月被改編成TV動畫之後掀起了強有力的旋風。並且即將在今年秋天上映動畫劇場版,而明年也會有兩部真人電影版問世。尤其是後者更是大腕雲集,曾經在包括《血色星期一》等多部電影和電視劇當中有出色表現的日本一線紅星SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer) is a multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas allowing users to play against each other over the internet or LAN. ... If you just want to play multiplayer, get this! Please note: SA-MP requires GTA:SA (DVD game for ...