老師:我走錯教室了嗎? 乾...原來全班翹課!
GTA Cheats | Grand Theft Auto Cheats大學院校陸續開學,桃園開南大學本月9日開學,有名林姓講師至學校上英文課時,卻發現教室「空無一人」,還以為自己走錯教室,結果,不是老師走錯教室,而是全班「有志一同」集體蹺課! 哈哈哈~不意外啊~不意外!News What are GTA cheats? Grand Theft Auto Cheats Grand Auto Theft Auto cheats are the key codes and button combinations that trigger an effect or take you to a particular area of the video game. These cheats range from very simple infinite ammo codes to ...