iCEnhancer 1.25 - ENB Graphic Mod - GTA4-Mods.com - Grand Theft Auto 4 car mods, tools, and more! 夏天最開心的莫過於各種戶外的大型音樂季活動,隨著音樂在陽光以及藍天白雲下輕輕搖擺,一陣和風吹來揚起前面女孩的裙襬...哇喔!這是多麼的賞心樂事呀!但是也不要想像得太美好,因為各種音樂季的 NG 裝扮總是在意料之外會出沒在你眼前,不信就看看底下這 20 個範例... 1. 瞧瞧這身肥美的赤膊和毛髮 GTA4-Mods.com - Grand Theft Auto 4 car mods, tools, and more! ... I can see the improvements over Ver 1.2 but I've noticed some strange graphical settings that I did not see in the videos. I do not know if they are intentional....