GTA IV Lag Fix on Windows 7 - YouTube(台北訊)秦嗣林經營當鋪四十年,以寶物鑑定聞名,除了出書談人生經驗外,近年也常受邀演講。日前參加公視「誰來晚餐」節目,拜訪在阿里山種植咖啡樹與經營咖啡廳的鄒族青年方政倫全家。而方所種植與烘焙的咖啡,近年常在台灣各類咖啡評鑑比賽中奪得佳績,在國外重要咖啡獎項也得到高分,其中一部分咖啡苗來自鄒族重要的教In this video i will show you how to fix your gta iv properly.. I seriously got really mad because of all the bullshit tutorials on how to fix the lag and stuff because they all didnt work.. finally here´s the solution :) Before this gta iv lagged reaally...