gtc 2013 nvidia

GTC 2013: Remote Graphics (7 of 11) - YouTubeNVIDIA Co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang describes how the enterprise ecosystem is adopting NVIDIA GRID technology, including HP, Dell, Cisco and IBM on the hardware side, and Citrix, VMware and Microsoft on the software side. In this seventh segment of t...


NVIDIA 驅動程式下載 - 歡迎參觀NVIDIA –全球視覺運算技術領導廠商連站上去都需要極大的勇氣啊!!   Download drivers for NVIDIA products including GeForce graphics cards, nForce motherboards, Quadro workstations, and more. Update your graphics card drivers today. ... 註冊就可免費訂閱NVIDIA的e-Newsletter,可隨時取得最新發布驅動程式版本、產品評測和 ......


GTC On-Demand Featured Talks | GPU Technology Conference也可以用這個理由跟老闆請假嗎? Don't miss GTC's opening keynote address from NVIDIA CEO and co-founder Jen-Hsun Huang. He'll discuss the latest breakthroughs in visual computing, including how NVIDIA is fueling the revolution in deep learning. ...Read More...


GTC 2013: OTOY's OctaneRender (10 of 11) - YouTube我要先從鼻子開始吃~~ NVIDIA Co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang describes the arduous work that goes into creating beautifully rendered CGI movies, such as Life of Pi. Jules Urbach and Josh Trank of OTOY join Huang on stage in this tenth segment of the opening keynote address a...


新架構Erista、Pascal與DX12,那些NVIDIA沒有說清楚的事 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西到底是誰排在我前面!!!!!!!!!(亮刀)底是誰排在我前面!!!!!!!!!(亮刀)令人歡樂的 GTC 過去了,NVIDIA 在展中讓我們稍微了解一下未來的 GPU(代號:Pascal)的技術和長相,也帶出利用 Tegra K1 製作的開發平台:Jetson TK1。但其餘細節部分 NVIDIA 並沒有說得很清楚,會後 Fudzilla 訪問到了相關人士,帶給我們一些解答。...
