gtx 480

GeForce GTX 480 | Specifications | GeForce XD*- A GeForce GTX 480 GPU must be paired with another GeForce GTX 480 GPU (graphics card manufacturer can be different). SLI requires sufficient system cooling and a compatible power supply. Visit for more information ......


GeForce GTX 480 | GeForce 喵:你這個壞掉要換掉喔!!The fastest GPU in the GTX 400 family. Built from the ground up for DirectX 11. ... With three billion transistors, fifteen tessellation engines, and 480 CUDA cores, the GeForce GTX 480 is built from the ground up for DirectX 11....


PassMark - GeForce GTX 480 - Price performance comparison 好想解鎖阿!Performance and price comparison graphs for GeForce GTX 480 ... GeForce GTX 480 Price and performance details for the GeForce GTX 480 can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily....


Nvidia GTX 480 Review - Overclockers Club   實在太中肯了!    Introduction: Ever since the introduction of the "Fermi" architecture back in November at NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference the question has been, can it dethrone the HD 5000 series that ATI dropped on the world just a scant week earlier, bringing along ...


顯示卡 - [更新]終於現身GeForce GTX 480效能實測! - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01   麻咪!我的飯飯呢?2010年4月19日再度更新情報~想不到點閱率已經破了10萬~為了感謝大家,又事情告一段落!明天早... ... 讚讚讚加分 今天小弟五點多就爬起來等消息了 z大辛苦了..... 那不知後續有沒有GTX 470的測試? 先補個眠等會還要上班...


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 Fermi Review | techPowerUp 恩...我的份給別人吃Today marks the release of NVIDIA's new GeForce Fermi architecture. After excruciating months of delays, NVIDIA has finally given the green light for their new products. The GeForce GTX 480 offers all the latest features like DirectX 11, Tesselation, gami...
