GeForce GTX 970 vs 780 - GPUBoss 當你的住家天花板日漸下沉,應該都會感到懼怕,覺得是樓上有重物擠壓或設計不良導致 ; 但中國廣西這戶人家居然是因為「特殊理由」而讓天花板下陷,經過檢查後發現不是管線、構造等基本問題,而是被「胸罩」給壓垮… 根據中國網事報導,中國廣西一處大廈天花板不斷下沉,檢查Mate - in a month Windows 10 and DX12 are out and games will follow. Your card is fully compatible with DX12 and Nvidia's latest tech and ANYTHING older than the 900 series ISN'T so your card is good for a few years to come. Something else to throw at the...