GeForce GTX 760 Ti (OEM) | GeForce - What's New | GeForce 圖翻攝自范范臉書 下同 藝人「范瑋琪」和老公黑人自婚後就一直在臉書分享飛翔兄弟的生活趣事,可以看得出來他們都把心力放在孩子們真上,但調皮的老公黑人卻不改愛嚇人的個性,不僅在家中放上一堆假的老鼠蟑螂,甚至連蛇都出來了... 而范范就在今天暴怒了,因為老公黑人又在下班後放了一包假蒼蠅在家The fusion of power, performance, and affordability makes the GeForce® GTX 760 Ti the weapon of choice for gamers. ... Get the weapon of choice for gamers—the GeForce® GTX 760 Ti. It adds a new dimension to the NVIDIA Kepler-powered family of graphics ......