Guardians of the Galaxy (Earth-616) - Marvel Comics Database 汪星人和人類幼崽都是賣萌界的高手, 他們也是彼此最好的朋友…… 湊在一起,不僅能夠 相互陪伴,而且 萌度係數瞬間翻倍。 這個日本小女孩名叫Mame,現在才1歲多。 紅嘟嘟的小臉蛋,黑漆漆的大眼睛,看了忍不住想捏。 Mame家裡還The Guardians of the Galaxy is a group of heroes who opposed the Phalanx conquest of the Kree... ... The Guardians are back Months later, Thanos had managed to capture a Cosmic Cube from the U.S. Army on Earth, which he used to escape to Moord, the ......