Guardians of the Galaxy (Earth-616) - Marvel Comics Database 照片中這位妹子名叫Taylor Muhl. 今年33歲的她住在美國加州,是一名歌手,也是一名模特。 既然是模特,Taylor平時免不了要拍攝一些性感火辣的照片… 不過,即便如此,她也很少露過肚子和胸… 不得不露的時候,她會請攝影師幫忙PS一下The Guardians of the Galaxy is a group of heroes who opposed the Phalanx conquest of the Kree... ... The Guardians are back Months later, Thanos had managed to capture a Cosmic Cube from the U.S. Army on Earth, which he used to escape to Moord, the ......