
Gucci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia要論「性感」或者「身材」,胸部絕對是不分男女都在乎的重點,但這也是個敏感話題,畢竟不是每個女人都擁有傲人的雙峰,有時甚至會因為不滿自己的罩杯而自卑沮喪。但,現在翻身的機會來了!究竟是誰說小胸不美呢?審美觀日漸多元的社會下,我們不該再局限於「大胸 = 性感」的圈套,男人、女人,都應該好好地重整一下觀念Gucci's president and chief executive officer Ryan Christina Aris revealed that Gucci is set to launch a children’s line in June 2010. The line will initially be unveiled in Italy and to 40 stores around the world. Frida Giannini serves as the creative di...


Gucci - new creative director - Gucci Official Site – Founded in Florence, Italy in 1921 由香港起家的「 GIORDANO 佐丹奴」品牌熟為人知,除了追求高品質之外,亦強調個人風格的設計,提供簡約、易搭配的穿著,市場擴及亞洲、中東至澳洲。而在 2014 年, GIORDANO 特別邀請到 11 位分占各領域的藝術家,來自台灣、香港、中國、日本、南韓等國,希望透過設計聯名 TEE 的合作Gucci and Kering are pleased to announce the appointment of Alessandro Michele as Gucci's new Creative Director with total creative responsibility for all of Gucci's collections and its brand image. Alessandro's first collection in his new role will be fo...


Gucci Appoints Alessandro Michele Creative Director 進行各項健身運動時,一雙好鞋是非常重要的事~ 來自英國的正妹健身教練 Jen 推薦你一雙夢想中的輕便運動跑鞋HI-TEC HARAKA。 HI-TEC HARAKA 輕便運動跑鞋  [175g輕量結構,超優包覆力]  鞋身質輕超優包覆力,175g的輕量結構,健身跑步時,腳和鞋有Kering-owned megabrand Gucci has officially appointed Alessandro Michele its new creative director. ... LONDON, United Kingdom — After days of speculation, Gucci, along with parent company Kering, has confirmed the appointment of Alessandro Michele as the...


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Gucci Said to Name New Creative Director as Early as This Week HypeSphere 合作內容 還記得2005年《萬惡城市》(Sin City)潔西卡艾芭(Jessica Alba)的性感演出嗎?在第一集比較像沒有發揮的艾芭,這次似乎將要大顯身手了!因為保護南茜而自殺的哈帝根這次似乎也扮演的幽靈角色鼓舞南茜徹底改變、瘋狂的大幹一場! 《萬惡城市2》卡Gucci plans to name a new creative director as early as this week, with accessories designer Alessandro Michele leading a list of candidates for the job. ... News & Analysis Gucci Said to Name New Creative Director as Early as This Week Gucci plans to nam...


Alessandro Michele Named Creative Director at Gucci - Vogue 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 每年到這時候時尚圈總是忙碌的,從第 86 屆 Pitti Uomo 男裝周到 2015 春夏男裝周,時尚盛會的這個聖火一路從佛羅倫斯傳遞到米蘭。當我們關注在時裝舞台上的每件完美作品的同時,T 台外面的戰火也是不惶多讓,因為沒有一個時尚達人會願意錯過這次交What will the world of fashion—or rather, the world of women who buy fashion—want from Alessandro Michele, the man who today stepped up as the new creative director at Gucci? The spotlight is on the 42-year-old head of accessories, a longtime Gucci employ...
