【編輯推薦】GIORDANO x Lowe Alpine -休閒與機能,你無法想像的絕妙組合!
Goldpaw's gUI2 (Cata) - Unit Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse 【編輯推薦】GIORDANO x Lowe Alpine -休閒與機能,你無法想像的絕妙組合! 哈囉!又到了 JUKSY 小編的推薦時間啦!這次要推薦給大家的,就是 GIORDANO 今年秋冬與國際知名戶外品牌 Lowe Alpine 的聯名款,以「Street2Summit街Warning! Before reading on, do NOT download this for WoW 5.0.1 or higher. This is only compatible with WoW patch 4.x! For gUI for MoP (patch 5.0.1 or higher) I refer to gUI v3, which is available here: http:www.curse.com/addons/wow/gui-v3 What is this? Th...